Gold has plunged more than 4% from Monday's record high at $2449.34. The yellow metal fell $42.57 on Wednesday and is off another $35 today.


Gold Chart

Gold Chart 

Silver has tumbled nearly 7% from Tuesday's 11-year high at $32.38!


Silver Chart

Silver Chart

Losses are mounting as markets unwind rate cut expectations in the wake of Wednesday's release of the minutes from the last FOMC meeting.

Short-term losses like this can have a significant detrimental impact on bullion dealers, mints, and refiners that hold physical precious metals inventory.

The Tornado Hedging Platform by Zaner allows our clients to protect their inventory against such adverse market movements.

"As a precious metals dealer that holds a decent amount of physical inventory, if I am not hedged, on big down days in precious metals, I could lose a whole month in profits." – Tornado Hedging Client


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